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Desire is a word that is always in people’s mind as everybody desires some or the other thing. Somebody desires to achieve success. Some People desire to earn a lot of money, some to get married, some for respect but everybody does desire. Is it wrong to desire? Of course not. Withal, Desire is the double bladed sword.
Why is so let us check with an examples –
Situation 1
Harin & her husband Handry lived together. They were very modern. Even their economic conditions were sound and good. Every month Harin liked to change her cell phone. This time she wanted to buy the new version of a branded cell phone. She went to the shop and purchased the phone and was very happy about it.
However, when she reached her home her cell phone fell down and damaged and she started crying because it was her new phone and she was attached to her new phone but now she is suffering because her phone got damaged.
Result: Suffering
Situation 2
Now, the same Harin bought the phone and she was happy about it but she found that her best friend had a more advanced version of the same cell phone now, she felt jealousy and she started suffering.
Result: Jealousy
Situation 3
Now this time the same Harin who bought the phone desired to buy a new phone after few months. Her husband stopped her as she already had a lot of cell phones. In this situation Harin got angry with her husband as she did not like that her husband was trespassing her freedom.
Result: Anger
So, we can see that Harin, who had the desire to buy a phone, was suffering in different situations as per the different incidents so we can say that desire is the root cause of every suffering. If desire is fulfilled there will be happiness if desire is not fulfilled there will be unhappiness even if it is fulfilled for the first time there is no guarantee that it will be fulfilled even for the second time therefore there is uncertainty it means desire is the temporary source of happiness.
Now, what is the solution?
Being desire less is the solution. Do everything but, don’t attach anything. Attachment with anything, any person Or place will give you suffering so, be detached, be desire less, discriminate what is right and wrong and there will be no suffering.
Also Read— WHAT IS FEAR?