If we talk about what the world thinks about secularism, it is the principle of separation of state from religious institutions.
Ancient period—-
However when we talk about India, secularism has a totally different concept. In India secularism means-
1. Equal respect and recognition for all religions by the state.
2. No discrimination by the state on the basis of religion.
3. Non- interference in the functioning of any religion by the state.
4. No official religion in India.
5. An individual has the right to practice, propagate and profess any religion.
Yes, all these features of secularism are present in India but how far it is exercisable is a debatable issue. As many times religion is used by political parties as a political tool by showing empathy for a particular religion to gain the majority of votes from a majority community. However it cannot be said that there is no secularism in India as India strictly follows the principle of secularism.
My personal view on secularism!!
People follow religion to attain and love their GOD. People are living on this earth but they don’t know WHO THEY ARE? WHY ARE THEY ARE ON THIS EARTH? WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF PEOPLE’S LIFE ON EARTH?
Therefore, religion is a medium through which we can get all these answers and we can love and seek our God. However it always hurts that in the name of secularism today people are throwing religion out of their schools & colleges and their houses & hearts. Secularism never means not praying to God and throwing God out of our heart and separation of God from nation. Rather secularism means respecting the feelings of all the religions, as every religion has the capacity to help us to reach our God.
Yes I strongly say that India is a secular country, India was a secular country and India will always be a secular country. JUST WE NEED TO BRING BACK GOD IN OUR SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, HOUSES AND HEART.
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