Most of the traditional medicine had its origin from African and Asian culture. We know our modern medicine like Paracetamol is Western medicine which basically had its origin from the United State of America. Both the traditional and modern medicines have some side effects.
Therefore, after making a medicine scientist minutely check on the side effects of medicine, which need a time to do so, as some side effects are detected too early and some take a long time for detection. Traditional meditation like Ayurveda Siddha etc. had its origin 5 to 8 thousand years ago. Officially Siddha medicine system had come from Rig Veda(ancient Hindu scriptures) but it got formalized just 200 years ago.
As compared to modern medicine, traditional medicine which has a long history is already time tested and they are more suitable for the human body to cure its disease.
Traditional medicine in India existed from the ancient period when there was a period of Guru Shishya relationship, where Guru would teach his Shishya and when this Shishya became a Guru, he would teach others, likewise the knowledge was transferred. But now even the Traditional Medicine System has its formula and patterns in a formalised way. In the southern part of India we found there are many institutions on Siddha, maybe 3 colleges of Higher Education on Siddha, 9 private preliminary colleges are present for Siddha. Even National Institution of Siddha is present in Chennai, Central Council for Research on Siddha in Chennai.
Therefore in Tamilnadu due to various government policies and effective traditional medical facilities various diseases like Dengue, Chicken pox, Chikungunya and even covid-19 treatments are done with high recovery rate. It is the fact that one crore persons were treated by Siddha system during the time of Covid-19 in India.
It was seen that by the help of this treatment Covid positive patients were turning negative by 3 to 7 days. It was found in a research that Siddha treatment is three times better than Allopathy treatment. Siddha system also treats pregnant women’s for smooth delivery with less complication and suffocation in a healthy manner. As we know in India many causes of death are because of heart blockage, Siddha treatment also cures Cardiovascular disease.
This Siddha medicine is made both organically (without chemicals or any other minerals). And it is also made with the help of minerals, land and marine animals.
In Assam generally there is a high Maternal Mortality Rate(MMR) due to various reasons, one of the reasons being that there are less ions in women in Assam. Other reasons like faulty food habits, under-nourishment are also there. However later it is found that water contamination is also a reason for frequent flooding in Assam. Siddha medicine also helps in solving this problem.
It Is found that North & North East India are not much aware about Siddha Medical Treatment maybe due to different reasons, even 60% of the total population of India have lower income so, directly cannot afford to visit the southern part of India for its treatment. Even for Easiest of the easiest treatment people have to struggle just because of lack of knowledge, lack of facilities and income level.
Therefore, by help of this Article we request the readers to Promote awareness about Siddha medicine to as many people as you can – as far as you can.
Siddha is a diamond disease curing method without any doubt.
Source: Dr Priyanka
She wants to treat more and more people not only in India but also around the globe by the help of Siddha diamond disease curing treatment system. Personally she is a very energetic doctor with calibre and character and her Moto: that can inspire us is being “humanly human” that is if we can just be a human with righteousness we can do much more for society.
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