God is the most spoken word in the entire world. Everybody someday or the other day take the name of god because either they love him or they want something from him. But question is if there is God why people can’t see God. So this question may have different answers. Maybe God is in the form of power by which everything exists or God may be our own belief or there may be some period in which God was present on earth and now he has left the world.
Now another question rises : if God existed on this earth, why did he have left the earth, what was the reason behind it so let’s check the logic behind it. Many people believe that humans are the creation of God. That is God has created us. May be there was a period when God existed on the earth and even we humans existed with him as his creation.
When human intellect was was in developing phase and then slowly our intellect developed to such an extent that God thought that now human beings can guide themselves, they can take care of themselves and they can manage themselves. So he decided to leave the earth and human beings become the next leader on the earth as humans had the most developed intellect as compared to any other creature present on this earth.
The thing that makes human beings different from other creatures is only one thing that is intellect. This intellect helps human beings to discriminate – What is right and What is wrong. By the help of this intellect human beings have developed many ideas, machines & technologies & decided to have a systematic way of living & a system of politics.
With the development of human brain today human being have reached on to the moon, they are knowing & realizing different information about the universe, & innovating different technologies. If we see artificial intelligence which are showing great result in helping business process. So it shows that human being are using their intellect and human intellect is so much powerful that it can even create a lot of technology that can help human beings in different fields.
What is Artificial Intelligence?
We can say that artificial intelligence is the development of Technology to such an extent that it easily does all activities that the human brain and animal brain are capable of doing so. Today artificial intelligence are so much developed that it can do: assimilation of data, recognition of data, problem solving, translation of data and demonstration of data easily without difficulty, So we can say slowly by slowly artificial intelligence are becoming stronger and stronger day by day.
THE FEAR IS WHAT IF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE BECOME MORE POWERFUL THAN HUMAN BRAIN– Today by seeing the progress of artificial intelligence scientist and doubting that what will happens after 100 years. May be the artificial intelligence will be so much heightened that we will be talking to a artificial intelligence, like we are talking to a human with all feeling and emotions. We will be sharing all the data with him and suddenly artificial intelligence impersonating as human beings will disappear and our entire data will be stolen.
What if the Prime Minister of a country is having the meeting with some of the diplomats and Suddenly the diplomats disappear & entire secret data are stolen. This will be a serious threat to human society.
Therefore, we human being must decide that till what extent artificial intelligence should be given the license. If it is only assisting us then it’s OK but if it tries to dominate us then it can never be okay, just like God found that human brain are developing to such level that they can manage themselves and Maybe one day human beings will have to leave this world just because of the development of artificial intelligence to such an extent.
By the way, no doubt God is Supreme. God only is, everything is not.
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